通信地址:威廉williamhill体育,西安市太白北路229号,邮编 710069
1999年毕业于中国科学院植物研究所,获得博士学位。从2000到2015年,分别在波士顿生物医学研究所(Boston Biomedical Research Institute),杜克大学(Duke University)细胞生物学系和北卡大学(University of North Carolina at Chapel hill) 生物学系分别任博士后、副研究员(Research Associate)、研究科学家(Research Scientist)等职位,对细菌细胞骨架和细胞骨架蛋白的结构和功能进行了深入的研究。2015年4月,回到威廉williamhill体育。
1. 细菌细胞骨架蛋白FtsZ, TubZ等的生化特性及其功能; 特别是深入研究细菌骨架蛋白在细菌分裂,染色体分离,质粒复制以及细菌形状维持等重要细菌生理功能中的重要作用。筛选主要以细菌骨架蛋白为抑制目标的新的抗菌药物。
1988—1992 西北老员工物系微生物专业,学士学位。
1992—1995 中国科学院西安光机所瞬态光学国家实验室。硕士学位。导师:侯洵院士,王水才研究员。
1995—1999 中国科学院植物所光合中心, 博士学位。导师:匡廷云院士,李良璧研究员。
1999—2000 中国科学院植物所光合中心,助理研究员。
2000—2003 美国波士顿生物医学研究所(Boston Biomedical Research Institute),博士后。
2003—2011 美国杜克大学细胞生物系(Duke University,Department of Cell Biology),副研究员(Research Associate)和资深副研究员(Senior Research Associate)
2011—2014 美国北卡老员工物学系 (University of North Carolina at Chapel hill,Department of Biology),博士后副研究员(Postdoc Research Associate)
2014—2015 美国杜克大学细胞生物系(Duke University,Department of Cell Biology),研究科学家 (Research Scientist).
2015—现在 威廉williamhill体育
1. Haiyan Huang, Ping Wang, Li Bian, Masaki Osawa, Harold P. Erickson and Yaodong Chen. The cell division protein MinD from Pseudomonas aeruginosa dominates the assembly of the MinC-MinD copolymers. (2018) Journal of Biological Chemistry. Apr 2. pii: jbc.RA117.001513. doi: 10.1074/jbc.RA117.001513. [Epub ahead of print] (通讯作者)
2.Yaodong Chen, Haiyan Huang, Masaki Osawa and Harold P. Erickson. ZipA and FtsA* stabilize FtsZ-GDP miniring structures. (2017) Scientific Reports. Jun 16;7(1):3650.(第一作者和通讯作者)
3. Yaodong Chen, Katie Porter, Masaki Osawa, et al. The Chloroplast Tubulin Homologs FtsZA and FtsZB from the Red Alga Galdieria sulphuraria Co-assemble into Dynamic Filaments. (2017) Journal of Biological Chemistry. Mar 31;292(13):5207-5215.
4. 黄海艳,陈耀东。原核生物微管蛋白家族研究进展。(2017)微生物学通报。44(11): 2741-2747.(通讯作者)
5. Yaodong Chen, Sara Milam and Harold P. Erickson. SulA inhibits assembly of FtsZ by a simple sequestration mechanism. (2012) Biochemistry. Apr 10;51(14):3100-9.
6. Yaodong Chen and Harold P. Erickson. Conformational changes of FtsZ reported by tryptophan mutants. (2011) Biochemistry. May 31;50(21):4675-84.
7. Yaodong Chen and Harold P. Erickson. FtsZ filament dynamics at steady state — subunit exchange with and without nucleotide hydrolysis.(2009)Biochemistry. 48(28):6664-73.
8. Yaodong Chen and Harold P. Erickson. In vitro assembly studies of FtsZ/tubulin-like proteins from Bacillus plasmids: evidence for a capping mechanism. (2008) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 283(13): 8102-9.
9. Yaodong Chen, David E. Anderson, Malini Rajagopalan and Harold P. Erickson. Assembly dynamics of Mycobacterium tuberculosis FtsZ. (2007) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 282(38): 27736-43.
10. Yaodong Chen and Harold P. Erickson. Rapid in vitro assembly dynamics and subunits turnover of FtsZ demonstrated by fluorescence resonance energy transfer. (2005) Journal of Biological Chemistry. 280(23): 22549-54.
11. Yaodong Chen, Keith Bjornson, Sambra D. Redick and Harold P. Erickson. A rapid fluorescence assay for FtsZ assembly indicates cooperative assembly with a dimer nucleus. (2005) Biophysics Journal. 88: 505-514.
12. Yaodong Chen and Sherwin S. Lehrer. Distances between tropomyosin sites across the muscle thin filament using luminescence resonance energy transfer: evidence for tropomyosin flexibility. (2004) Biochemistry, 43, 11491-11499.
13. 陈耀东;陈建新;侯建敏;陈晖;张兴康;张启元;李良璧;匡廷云. 用飞秒吸收光谱对PSⅡ颗粒及核心复合物原初反应的动力学研究. (1999), 植物学报, 41(7): 700~705.
14. Yaodong Chen, JianMin Hou, JianXin Chen, Qi-Yuan Zhang, Liang-Bi Li and Kuang Ting-Yun. Studies on the PSII particles and core complexes using femtosecond absorption spectroscopy. (1998) in: (Ed. G. Garab) Photosynthesis: Mechanism and Effects. Kluwer Acad Pub, Dordrecht, Vol I: 289~292.
15. 陈耀东,关义春,侯建敏,唐崇钦,王水才,侯洵,匡廷云, PSⅡ反应中心与捕光天线系统之间的能量传递研究. (1997), 植物学报, 39(4): 372-374.