世界自然保护协会物种存续委员会中国灵长类专家组(IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group: China Section)成员
E-mail: hegang@nwu.edu.cn
1. 国家自然科学基金 面上项目:森林三维结构异质性对秦岭川金丝猴生境选择的影响
2. 国家自然科学基金 面上项目:秦岭川金丝猴适应低温的夜宿地选择策略研究
3. 国家重点研发计划 子课题:基于灵长类空间行为和觅食行为的栖息地保护技术
4. 陕西省重点研发计划项目:秦岭野生川金丝猴种群无人机业务化监测与识别技术研究
5. 国家林业和草原局:《灵长类动物监测技术规程》编制项目
6. 生态环境部 生物多样性调查与评估项目 子课题:川金丝猴生存现状调查与保护成效评估
7. 陕西长青国家级自然保护区管理局:野生川金丝猴种群及栖息地植被结构无人机监测研究
8. 陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区管理局:陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区金丝猴种群调查
9. 陕西长青国家级自然保护区管理局:野生羚牛种群无人机监测研究
10. 大熊猫国家公园宁太管理分局:金钱豹和川金丝猴调查
11. 陕西省太白山国家级自然保护区管理局:陕西太白山国家级自然保护区森林生态系统梯度监测项目
12. 陕西长青国家级自然保护区管理局:兰科植物生物群落动态监测研究
13. 陕西佛坪国家级自然保护区管理局:大样地无人机综合生态监测与动物栖息地利用研究
1. He G, Yan XD, Zhang X, Guo M, Wang J, Wei QX, Shen YB, Wang CL, Lei YH, Jin XL, Guo GG, Lu Y, Pan RL, Guo ST & Li BG. Undertaking wildlife surveys with unmanned aerial vehicles in rugged mountains with dense vegetation: A tentative model using Sichuan Snub-nosed monkeys in China. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2023, 48: e02685.
2. He G, Zhang X, Wang J, Xu PF, Hou XD, Dong W, Lei YH, Jin XL, Wang WF, Tian WY, Huang Y, Li DS, Qin TY, Wang J, Pan RL, Li BG & Guo ST. Advancing primate surveillance with image recognition techniques from unmanned aerial vehicles. American Journal of Primatology, 2025, 87(2): e23676.
3. He G, Yang HT, Pan RL, Sun YW, Zheng PB, Wang JH, Jin XL, Zhang JJ, Li BG & Guo ST. Using unmanned aerial vehicles with thermal-image acquisition cameras for animal surveys: a case study on the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey in the Qinling Mountains. Integrative Zoology, 2020, 15(1):79-86.
4. He G, Zhang H, Wang HT, Ji XP, Guo ST, Li BG, Hou R, Hou XD & Pan RL.Dispersion, Speciation, Evolution, and Coexistence of East Asian Catarrhine Primates and Humans in Yunnan, China. World Archaeoprimatology, 2022, 498-515.
5. Yu Y#, He G#, Li DY, Zhao XM, Chang J, Liu XC, Xiang ZF, Li BG & Li M. Climate change challenge, extinction risk, and successful conservation experiences for a threatened primate species in China: Golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Zoological Research, 2022,43(6):940-944.
6. He G, Huang K, Guo ST, Ji WH, Qi XG, Ren Y, Jin XL & Li BG. Evaluating the reliability of microsatellite genotyping from low-quality DNA templates with a polynomial distribution model. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(24): 2523−2530.
7. He G, Guo ST, Jin XL, He SJ, Li FF, Li C, Wu F, Hou R, Huang K, He XB, Liu XY, Pan RL & Li BG. Dynamic Status of Sichuan Snub-Nosed Monkey in Foping National Nature Reserve, China. 兽类学报, 2018, 38(3):274-259.
8. 何刚, 郭松涛, 金学林等. 基于红外相机技术监测秦岭山地引水工程对大中型兽类种群影响的初报. 四川动物, 2018, 37(4):467-473.
9. Li BG, He G, Guo ST, Hou R, Huang K, Zhang P, Zhang H, Pan RL & Chapman CA. Macaques in China: Evolutionary dispersion and subsequent development. American Journal of Primatology, 2020, 82(7): e23142.
10. Wang CL, Chen L, He G, Yan XD, Wu T, Li W, Zhao HT, Ren Y, Fu WW, Wang Y, Zhang H, Wang XW, Wang WF, Zhao HT, Pan RL & Li BG. Dispersal behaviors stimulated by habitat alterations in golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, China. Zoological Research, 2023,44(2):366-369.
11. Youlatos D, He G, Guo ST & Li BG. Positional behavior, habitat use, and forelimb morphology of Père David's Rock Squirrels Sciurotamias davidianus (Milne-Edwards, 1867) (Sciuridae, Rodentia) in the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China. Mammalian Biology, 2021,101(5):567-580.
12. Li BG, Zhang H, Huang K, He G, Guo ST, Hou R, Zhang P, Wang HT, Pan H, Fu HG, Wu XY, Jiang KX & Pan RL. Regional fauna-flora biodiversity and conservation strategy in China. iScience, 2022,25(9):104897.
13. Youlatos D, Granatosky M, Belbeisi R, He G, Guo ST & Li BG. Sex differences in habitat use, positional behavior, and gaits of Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana) in the Qinling Mountains, Shaanxi, China. Primates, 2021,62(3):507-519.
14. Guo ST, Xu PF, Miao QG, Shao, GF, Chapman CA, Chen XJ, He G, Fang DY, Zhang H, Sun YW, Shi ZH & Li BG. Automatic Identification of Individual Primates with Deep Learning Techniques. iScience, 2020, 23(8): 101412.
15. Liu R, Amato K, Hou R, Gomez A, Dunn D, Zhang J, Garber P, Chapman C, Righini N, He G, Fang G, Li YH, Li BG & Guo ST. Specialized digestive adaptations within the hindgut of a colobine monkey. The Innovation, 2022,3(2):100207.
16. Zhang H, Lu JQ, Tang SY, Huang ZP, Cui LW, Lan DY, Wang HT, Hou R, Xiao W, Guo ST, He G, Huang K, Zhang P, Pan H, Oxnard C, Pan RL & Li BG. Southwest China, the last refuge of continental primates in East Asia. Biological Conservation, 2022,273:109681.
17. Huang K, Zhang H, Wang CL, Hou R, Zhang P, He G, Guo ST, Tang SY, Li BG, Oxnard C & Pan RL. Use of historical and contemporary distribution of mammals in China to inform conservation. Conservation Biology, 2021, 35(6):1787-1796.
18. Yang HT, Li S, Hou R, Song WT, Fu YW, Li YB, Wang XW, He G, Chapman C, Guo QH & Li BG. Three-dimensional assessment of movement patterns of Sichuan snub-nosed monkeys affected by habitat structure in temperate forests. Zoological Research, 2023, 44(2):361-365.
19. Zhang H, Zhang SM, Fu ML, Chang HL, He G, Hou R, Pan RL, Li BG & Guo ST. Habitat manipulation preferred by Eld's Deer in Hainan Island, China. Journal for Nature Conservation, 2019, 48:21-26
20. Pan RL, Oxnard C, Grueter CC, Li BG, Qi XG, He G, Guo ST & Garber PA. A New Conservation Strategy for China-A Model Starting With Primates. American Journal of Primatology, 2016, 78(11): 1137-1148.
21. Zhang P, Song XY, Dunn DW, Huang K, Pan RL, Chen D, Guo ST, Qi XG, He G & Li BG. Diversity at two genetic loci associated with the major histocompatibility complex in the golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2016, 68:243-249.
22. Song XY, Zhang P, Huang K, Chen D, Guo ST, Qi XG, He G, Pan RL & Li BG. The influence of positive selection and trans-species evolution on DPB diversity in the golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Primates, 2016, 57(4):489-499.
23. Guo ST, Qiang M, Luan XR, Xu PF, He G, Yin XY, Luo X, Jin XL, Shao JB, Chen XJ, Fang DY & Li BG. The application of the Internet of Things to animal ecology. Integrative Zoology, 2015, 10(6):572-578.
24. Huang K, Ritland K, Guo ST, Dunn DW, Chen D, Ren Y, Qi XG, Zhang P, He G & Li BG. Estimating pairwise relatedness between individuals with different levels of ploidy. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2015, 15(4):772-784.
25. 参编:大熊猫国家公园宁太管理分局综合科学考察报告, 2023, 陕西科学技术出版社.
26. 参编:秦岭生态科学考察报告, 2020, 陕西师范大学出版总社.
27. 林业科技成果:陕西长青国家级自然保护区无人机激光雷达监测川金丝猴栖息地研究, 2024
28. 林业科技成果:陕西长青国家级自然保护区川金丝猴种群无人机调查研究, 2024
29. 林业科技成果:结合无人机与红外相机技术对长青国家级自然保护区扭角羚种群状况的调查研究, 2024
2013年,陕西省自然科学优秀学术论文奖三等奖,用多项式分布模型评估低质量DNA 模板微卫星分型的可靠性